January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014

Wow, 22 emails and 1 1/2 hours to respond.  Won't be able to get to them all right away, but know that I read everyone of them and was so touched at all the love and strength each one brought to me just now.  Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

Grandma's funeral sounds like it was wonderful.  I was at the Horan's all day Monday after emailing and they gave me lots of hugs and loves which I definitely needed.  Thank you Amanda for the quick response on how the funeral went.  I couldn't wait to hear about it so that was very helpful to get a run down of it and especially see a few of the pictures.  They made me cry.  I LOVED the kisses on the casket.  Michelle mentioned Grandpa was a little hesitiant about that, but I too agree that Grandma wouldn't want it any other way.  It was a great sign and always will be now of our deep love for sweet Grandma Carter.  Thank you for putting a kiss for me.  I can't wait to hear and see more of the services.  All in time though.  I'm just getting back to things and getting a hang of things.  Tuesday the Chowchilla sisters drove up and gave me a hug and we talked for a bit.  The Horan's of coarse have been a huge help this whole time.  I received a blessing from our Stake President Sunday.  Sister Odor has been very loving and helpful to me especially.  She has let me have my moments alone and moments to take a breather and just cry. 

We went to the temple yesterday and I kept thinking to myself that Grandma too is on the other side of the veil like the people we are doing these ordinances for.  She is a missionary like me teaching others about the Gospel.  This life is nothing.  She is where she spent her whole life working for.  She accomplished her test here on this Earth and is a step ahead of all of us.  Sure it's painful being separated and not having her here physically with us still, but this time for us will end too and we will see her again and rejoice and give each other kiss marks on the cheeks!

This week we got a lot of new investigators!  Don't have much time to write about them but hopefully they will progress and that they will accept the Gospel in their lives.  I'll share more about them next email.  PS sorry this letter is late.  Since we had the temple we swapped preparation days and things just went weird and so we are just emailing now.

I love you all and continue to pray for each and every one of you that you will be watched over and blessed at this time.  Thank you for everything and know that I am going to do my best to do what I can here the rest of my mission to make Grandma proud and our Heavenly Father.

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
- Hermana Sorensen

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